
Do you like the name:?

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Chandler Allen Connolly


Tilary Anne





  1. Chandler's not bad, but TILARY? Please don't do that to another human being. That L will forever haunt the child as it turns to a T and destroys her self-confidence forever. She'll hate you for it.

  2. Nope.

    There was a TV show called "Friends" a while back. One of the 6 main characters was "Chandler". It works only if you have a Chandler surname in your tree; otherwise it is as superficial as naming a child "Elvis". If you must name him after a historical character, pick someone who did something real, not an entertainer.

    "Tilery" condemns a child to spelling it, slowly and carefully, every time she rents a DVD, signs up for a gym, enrolls in a class, makes a reservation at a restaurant, tells someone her e-mail over the phone . . ., and they will STILL get it wrong half the time. (I have been recorded as Park, Pork, Tack and Back, even though "Pack" is a common noun and a verb. Since I started saying "Pack as in six-pack" instead of "Pack as in backpack", the number of "Back" has gone down. I cringe to think of what poor little Tilery would go down as; Hillery most often, I suspect, followed by a host of misunderstandings.)

    Life was simpler in the 1800's. You named the first son after the paternal grandfather, the second after the maternal grandfather and the third after the father. You named the daughters in the same pattern after grand mothers and mothers. You got to exercise your creativity on child #7 and middle names.

  3. Chandler Allen Connolly is good, but Tilary Anne is not so hot

  4. I like Chandler Allen Connolly.Thats a very beautiful name.Tilary Anne is nice to,but I think Chandler Allen Connolly is very pretty.

  5. Chandler is a bit on the trendy side for me, but the names all sound nice together.

    Tilary... ehh, sorry but I don't care for it.  Love Anne, though!
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