
Do you like the name shawn ?

by  |  earlier

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i love the name shawn and think its a cool name as some of my fav athletes have that name. shawn green(former baseball player) shawn marion(great basketball player but my favirote team traded him) and ofcourse my girl shawn johnson who i think is gorgeous and super talented.

im wondering do you like the name shawn and do you prefer on a male or female. i like the name and i think it looks cuter on a girl. but its a nice name for a male as well.

another shawn i like btw is shawn mayer the girl who came third on nashville star this past season.




  1. I love that name shawn , thats my cousins name and i think hehas  a nice name.

  2. i dont really like the name shawn at all. i think it is so much more of a guys name than a girls name tho

  3. i'd say shawn is a boy's name. in my opinion it should be spelt sean. anyway, i don't really like the name, just my opinion..

  4. its better that sean.

    i mean

    it makes more sense if its spelled shawn

    i like it

  5. I like it for a girl but i like Shauna better.

    Don't like it for a boy at all.

  6. Love it for a boy, hate it for a girl.

    Although Shawn Johnson is a good gymnast!

  7. nope i don't like it, it's too common

  8. I love Shawn Johnson too! =) I think the name Shawn is cute for both, but Sean is definitely a boys' name.

  9. I like it on both...but it sounds cuter on a girl. I'm not a huge fan of the name, but also love it spelled shawn instead of sean. I think if it were on a boy, Sean would be a better spelling.

  10. i like it fot both i thought of it more as a boys name untill i started watching Shawn Johnson now i love it fo ra girl

  11. i like the name Shawn spelled the way it is.  I think it's better for a boy.  if you do have a girl you could call her Shawna.

  12. I like Shawn on a boy but spelled Sean its more manly.

    I love Shawn Johnson and think Shawn is totally cute on a girl unless she's all mannish looking.

    Shawna is hideous.  

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