
Do you like the names for my soon to be girls?

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My husband and I are kind of big with the unisex names, and I am pregnant with quintuplets. I recently found out that we are having all girls and my husband and I want to give them each their own identity but we all want them to have unisex names because we both love them so much. Please tell me what you think of the first name and the middle that is written and how they sound together.

Shawn Mae

Ashton Rose

Kyle Elizabeth

Logan Maire

Blake Dominique

What do you think of these names by the way our last name is Dimare, and we like to have boyish first names but as you can tell we want kind of girly middle names.




  1. I like them, they're different...

    I Like Blake Amelia better than Blake Dominique

  2. It sounds like you are having 5 boys. All the kids at school will say " why do you all have boy names, did your parents want you to be boys ? "

  3. I really like your middle names, but I don't like any of the first names for girls.

    I don't like boy names for girls.  It's strange to me :)

  4. I like all the first names except seems more male than female.  The middle names sound nice with the first names.  Better of luck to you.  I hope you have lots of help from family and friends when they arrive.  you will need lots of help.  Remember to sleep when they sleep.  Good Luck.

  5. kyle and shawn are NOT unisex names.

    Ashton Rose is pretty

    Logan Marie is pretty

    Blake Amelia is nice

    Rylie Jane is nice

    Cameron May

    Daryl Elise

    Drew Alexa

    Canyon Denise

    Kirby Elizabeth

    Oakley Aniya

    Rory Jade

    are some other options, but leave the boys shawn and Kyle

  6. i like ashton and logan and blake but i dont like kyle or shawn  maybe try shane its more girly than shawn and try ryan instead of kyle  

  7. I like Blake for a girl. But not with the middle name Dominique.

    What about:

    Blake Abigail

    Blake Emmaline

    Blake Elizabeth

    Blake Violette

    Blake Hannah

    Blake Juliette

  8. i like them

    name them what you like and what feels right to you!:D

    Blake Amelia sounds nice

    all girls?awsome

    you can always change it later if you dont like it or if they don't like it of course when their older:D

  9. I LOVE ALL OF THE NAMES, but one.

    I think that Blake Dominique sounds a little too masculine for me.

    Good luck, and best of wishes!

  10. Logan Maire and Blake Dominique are cute.

  11. Shawn Mae

    Ashton Rose

    Kyle Elizabeth


    Logan Maire

  12. I absolutely love them!! Try Shayne and Justice too!

    Good Luck!

  13. I love Kyle Elizabeth and Ashton Rose, and I also love the name Blake for a girl.. i like Shawn also, but I'm not completely sure it goes with Mae, but anyways, beautiful names and congrats for babies! quintuplets.. lol, that's a big deal! good luck!!!

  14. I like the names

  15. WHat about....

    Dawsyn Kaite

    Ashton Claire

    Kylie Rose

    Logan Marie

    Blayne Elizabeth

    Like most of the names you picked out but not Shawn for a girl or Blake.

  16. Five girls, but the names make it sound as though they are five boys.

  17. i really like Shawn Ashton and Blake

    never heard of Kyle 4 a girl .. i like it

    i dont really like Logan

    my fav girl names Peyton Spencer and Jordan

    everybody says Ashton is a male name

    i know 3 girls with that name

    u could always spell it as Ashtyn

  18. I love Ashton Rose, very beautiful

  19. I am a person who has a unisex name, and it SUCKS!  I always get confused with the opposite s*x when people mail stuff to me, and was tortured as a child because of my unisex name.  Also, I've heard of a lot of girls named Logan, but never any of the other ones.

  20. I don't like most of them, sorry. the middle names don't seem right to me and I wouldn't use Kyle or Blake for a girl.

    I would do: Shawn Elizabeth

    Ashton Paige

    Logan Alyse

    Payton Brooke

    Ryan Shay

  21. Just my opinion, but all the names besides Shawn seem really masculine to me.  Couldnt you use the middles names as first names but refer to them (like nicknames) with the middle names?  Just an idea.  Good luck and God bless you family

  22. Those names are really cute. They all sound cute together. Good luck with your babies, and get your sleep now. You're gonna need it. :)

  23. The only name I would maybe consider "unisex" is Blake. The others are WAY too masculine.I do not understand this.The middle names are good.

    What about these "unisex" name options:














  24. I like all the names except Logan Maire. I think logan is a little too guyish of a name. How about Reese Amelia or Corey Marie?

  25. Not to keen of those boy names. Here are some I like for girls--

    Alex or Alix

    Jo (JoAnn or something, called Jo)





    Kylie instead of Kyle



    Something more unisex not a flat out Boy name

  26. DONT  name your girls with boy names.

    thats grody thell get picked on

    im puttin that over the hatchett!

  27. i like all the first names

    i do not like shawn mae together  maybe shawn dominique because i do not like the ring of blake dominique but do like blake amelia but then her initials will spell out B.A.D.

    just my 2 cents

    good luck with all those babies!!!!!

  28. Seriously I don't think you are pregnant with quintuplets, I mean come on, quintuplets aren't that common.

    Even so, your names need to be re-thought.  By giving them boy names you're sending them a message that you subconsciously wished they were boys.  It's pretty tragic actually.

    Anyway if I'm wrong about you being preg with quints, then I'll look forward to watching you on the news - as it will be international news.....

  29. None of those names are unisex. All the first names are boy names (not very good ones either) and all the middle names. They're not boyish or girly they are only for a boy... and the middle names are only for a girl. I think they're horrible. Mae, Rose, Elizabeth, and Marie are all good names. The rest aren't, especially for a girl.

    Taylor is unisex... what you have there is not.

  30. Wow. Quintuplets? All girls?

    I think you went too far out there with Logan. Maybe Blake can use a more feminine middle name like the others.

    Ashton, Kyle and Logan have a nice middle name to go along with them, if I can make a suggestion, would you choose Nova instead of Logan? I know a lot of girl Logans and they all hate to be thought of as boys.

    Here's a little info on Nova, you can see in the "Faces Of Nova" they have both girls and boys' faces on there.

    EDIT: Blake Amelia sounds best :)

  31. Unisex:  Riley, Ashtyn, Kadence, Kameron, Karson

    Good luck

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