
Do you like the new My Yahoo Page?

by  |  earlier

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I don't like it and the fact they force you to change.




  1. I hate it. How do I revert back to the original format? If I can't, I'm changing my homepage real soon.

  2. I agree with Michael, if they don't allow me to switch back. I may change to google homepage.

  3. I'm with you man.  I'm off to GMail.  I've been with Yahoo since the beginning.  Now they've just decided to rearrange MY desk.  What arrogant a$$hole$!

    I guess it's not MY Yahoo, it's THEIR Yahoo.

    They will get swallowed into Microsoft soon and this platform will suffer the same fate as Hotmail.  Irrelevance.

  4. I hate it!

  5. I hate it too. I perfer the old Message Center to the Personal Assistant. The message center would notify me if I had new mail as long as I had a My Yahoo cookie. The new one only notifies me of new mail if I've logged into mail within the previous hour or so.

    I'm switching to goole homepage

  6. No, switching to Google

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