
Do you like the new slipknot cd "All Hope Is Gone"?

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what do you think about it should i buy it?




  1. I must say that I agree with the other person who answered this question; it's much different than any of the other albums, but most specifically, it's much different than the first two albums.

    Many of the original Slipknot fans who jumped on the bandwagon in the late '90s and early '00s will not recognize the band melodically or lyrically for that matter.

    It's much more melodic and the lyrics seem (at least to me personally) more substantive and much deeper. The band stated before the release of the album that they were maturing as musicians and as people, and this has been shown in great detail. Whether it be with the burning of their Easter Island masks which they stated "represented their ego," or with the lyrical depth that you very rarely saw in the past that is represented in its truest form in the song Snuff.

    You could ask almost any well-informed music critic, and they would most definitely say that Slipknot (as a group of musicians), has improved dramatically in that department.

    So it's depth and substance over anger and dullness. (Not an insult to the works of Slipknot before, just a figure of speech.)


  2. It depends on whether you've listened to/ already have their previous albums - Slipknot, Iowa and Vol. 3 - The Subliminal Verses. I've listened to all of these albums many times and have got to know them and their individual styles quite well. All Hope Is Gone is quite different to Slipknot's usual style, with some songs being much more melodic than usual, but then again I've only listened to it all the way through about 4 times. It's impossible to tell whether you like an album from only that many listens -:P.

    If you like Slipknot, then I would say buy this album. Or better, find someone who's already bought it and listen to their copy first to see what you think! That way if you find you hate it, then at least you haven't wasted a tenner.

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