
Do you like the queen of England ?? Do you like Republique??

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Do you like the queen of England ?? Do you like Republique??




  1. clever name i.r.a spelt backwards

    the rupublic will always be better

  2. I only know what I have read about her or seen on TV so I really have no opinion on her.

  3. I'm a Republican but I don't hate the queen. I just hate the establishment she represents, where ordinary people are regarded as subjects and are expected to show respect to bunch of people simply because of who their ancestors were.

    If I had the choice, and if she chose to stand, I might even be tempted to vote for her. But that's the problem - none of us have a choice, whoever is next in line becomes our head of state regardless of what they are like as a person. And as much as I think the queen is OK, I think her sons are idiots and william and harry are even worse.

  4. England would be better as a republic

  5. I have the utmost respect for our Queen and I don't want a republic.

  6. We have a Queen of England and no republic, not yet anyway.

  7. Yes, she is great but I do not like any of the rest of the useless spongers.   I would hate to see her son or grandson as King - both of them are a total waste of space.

  8. Yes, gawd bless er! And non! Zoot le republique!

  9. Off with their heads!

    Cymru am byth!

  10. no I dont but I dont like the idea of queen and king...of monarchy anyway...

  11. It's Queen of the UK. Scotland, Wales and N.I. are important countries, not England's playthings.

    Republic? Never. If someone tried to dissolve the Monarchy I'd fight in combat if I had to.

  12. Nothing against her personally....I am a republican

  13. I adore Queen Elizabeth.  She is the best monarch that England has had in a long, long time.

  14. There is no Queen of England and there hasn't been one since the union of the crowns on May 1, 1701. Anne was the last queen of England and thereafter was Queen of Great Britain (England and Scotland as one state). Later Great Britain and Ireland were joined to form the United Kingdom. That is the nation of which Elizabeth II is Queen.

    And yes, I like her.

  15. She is Queen of the UK, not England.

  16. The majority of the UK does love the Queen of England.

    And with the alternative, if we had a republic, meaning we would have to love people like Blair or Bush or Sarkozy or Chirac or Mitterand or Berlusconi, or any one of the other people you wouldn't leave your wallet or your kids with, we're quite happy to have a monarchy.

  17. I don't support the concept of a British Republic, and will support the monarchy until convinced of a better system for my country; not because of the personalities involved, but because it’s an integral and crucial part of Britain’s one thousand year history of being an independent and law abiding nation.

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