
Do you like the smell of a newborn baby?

by  |  earlier

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Not when the baby is JUST BORN you know what I mean they smell like like a baby




  1. Yes, I do.  I think most people, especially women, do!

  2. i love it i think all babies should smell good.

  3. mmm... yes, so cute ♥

  4. yeah. it smells good. i like it.

  5. Absolutely!  There's nothing like it.

  6. I looooove my baby's smell, especially right after a bath and he's all snuggly with me. :)

  7. yeah its soo sweet!

  8. One of my favorite smells is a fresh clean baby!

  9. I love the smell of a fresh clean baby. There is nothing like the smell of a newborn!!!  

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