
Do you like the spelling of my daughter's name, Alaiyna Jazzlynn? I'm thinking of legally changing it.

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I'm thinking of making it Alaina Jazlyn, or maybe Alayna Jaslin.. IDK.. What do you all think?




  1. You idiot. Change it now, to something that doesn't suck balls. I hope she is still very young, so she doesn't find out what her name used to be, and hate you for it.

    What was wrong with Alana Jasmine? What were you smoking when you came up with Alaiyna Jazzlynn? Suplus letters and stupid spellings don't make a name more interesting, they make it stupid.

  2. Alaina. Alaiyna would just get misspelled and be anoying

  3. Jazlynn would be cute.  I prefer Jasmine, though.  As for Alaiyna, go with either Alaina or Alayna.

  4. Alayna jazlynn  looks good. yes i would change it. it really is confusing!

  5. I think the way it is spelled now is just too many letters. I like Alaina Jazlyn best.  

  6. Alayna Jaslin

  7. Personally, I like Alaina Jasline.

    If you're worried about people pronouncing it Jasline, like, "Jass-line" people should know that the "s" makes a "z" sound. Exactly like the name, "Jasmine."

  8. i like simple spellings so i choose Alaina Jaslin.

  9. lol.... wow. so many z's and n's in one name... I think you should change it to Alayna Jazlyn. Very unique, but it sounds cool. :]

  10. whatever you want. it's your child. you have every right to name your child whatever you want, but in my opinion the name's not generic enough to be on a coffee mug or something. that means you'll have to get custom made paraphernalia for her, which costs a lot of money. if i had a child, I'd name it something generic but different

  11. alayna jazlyn sounds beautiful and looks better than the original spelling i say change it!!!

  12. Ohmigod couldn't believe you seriously spelt your daughters name like that, sheesh! It's hideous

    My favourite spelling is Alaina Jaslyn

  13. Keep in mind that your daughter will have to explain how to spell her name for the rest of her life if you go with something wierd.  I'd go as phonetically simple as possible.

  14. I like Alaiyna spelled that way or Alainah, and Jazzlynn spelled Jaslyn.

    Alainah Jaslyn is really pretty.

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