
Do you like the summer or winter Olympics better?

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Do you like the summer or winter Olympics better?




  1. Nothing compares with the downhill at the winter games, flying down a mountain at 60 mph .... and the ice skating is awesome too.  But I wouldn't want to miss the swimming or the track at the summer games, either.  

  2. I watch them both but the summer games are much better to watch.

  3. Summer for sure

  4. the Summer Olympic Games.  

  5. summer

  6. summer

  7. both!! its soo hard to pick one.


    WOOt. Go canada eh.  

  9. i like them both

  10. Winter Olympics as all the sports are adventurous. You are either sliding across or down a hill on snow on or through the air skis or snowboard, sliding across ice on shoes(curling) or skates, or going downa track at top speed.

    You can also go do these events on the same exact Olympic venues in Lake Placid, Salt Lake City, or Calgary by paying an admission fee. The National Governing Bodies also run camps and give individual lessons on the very same bobsled and luge tracks.

    The athletes are more accessible as I was able to get lessons with Olympic athletes.

    I'm now in a local curling club. So the Winter Olympics are not just some event on telivision but are something that can be experienced by everyone. Taking part is what the Olympics are all about and the Winter Olympics does this so much better than the Summer Olympics.

  11. summer and winter both are interesting and spectacular and i use I get access to about 3000 channels with live games, movies, tv shows and more cool stuff!"

  12. Summer, though I like ice skating.

  13. winter. although i still looove the summer ones as well. winter just has some really exciting sports.

  14. both

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