
Do you like the way that I did my makeup?

by  |  earlier

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ok, So I was really bored yesterday and I was wondering what you thought of the way that I did my makeup...

I know its really crazy and all, I would never wear it like this in public.

oh, and what do you think of the way that I did my eyeliner and mascara today?




  1. First one is artistic.

    I cant tell the second one because the lighting is dark and your

    not showing your face completely.

    Other than that, nice.

  2. the 1st one look like you fixing to go ninja on sumbody and the soncon one is great.

  3. ok.

    the first one is really cool,

    and impressive cuz i know i could never do tht.


    u kinda looked like a cat. [[no offense.]]

    hee hee. :P

    the way u put ur eyeliner and mascara on was really good!!!

    (mine really sucks) l0l.

    im not afraid to say mine suck either... :P cuz it does.

    but i think it was kinda like smeared underneath it.


    cuz it was really close.

  4. First one is very artsy, wish I could do that!

    Girl, how did you get that off your face??! Lol.

    Second one very pretty, nicely done.

    My make-up doesn't go on so nicely unfortunately, half the time my hand shakes when I put on eyeliner and my mascara gets clumpy.

  5. I love how you did your make-up in the fist pick!

    it's sooo cool(: lol

    anyway i like your make-up in the second one too,

    it's simple but very clean and pretty<3!

  6. why fool with'd look great without any make up

  7. you do that in your free time?

  8. Wow you were bored.

  9. woah!!! it makes you look like a cat lol =P

  10. I don't like the first one.  It looks kind of scary.  And I can't see the second one.  It's too dark.

  11. the first one is kinda weird its good for halloween thought!! :) :)

    but they secind one is really pretty!!!

  12. First one is a bit strange but the way you did your eye makeup in the second one looks lovely. You've got gorgeous eyes by the way!!

  13. Halloween is only a few months away! Keep that awsome costume a secret girl. You will wil all the costume contests for sure!  wt...

  14. The first ones a bit more like face painting but the second one is pretty (:

  15. haha yea i do stuff like this to myself all thw time!! hahah

  16. first one is kinda scary

    but the second one looks really nice

  17. wow cool makeup u should be cat woman for Halloween.....Ur mascara and eye liner looks really good that's how i do it too!

  18. Hilarious!

    You look gorgeous chica!

  19. Ha ha, you must have been REALLY bored. You're creative :p

  20. I think you did a pretty good job with the first one and I think you've found your calling as a makeup artist!

  21. uhm


  22. ugghhh cool!

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