
Do you like them?

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I love handicapped people. THey are my friends and are so cool. Are any of you against them...if so why??? Tell me if you know anyone who's deaf, disabled, blind, etc.




  1. I guess I may cool with the blind and deaf though I haven't met one person like that before. I find some physical disabled people to be just as smart as typical people unless they also have a mental impairment or learning problems. I'm ok with aspies and people with ADHD(ADD) as well. Though I'm mostly okay with people with these type of abnormalities than others because I have been around some mentally impaired people and they can be very annoying.

      It really depends on a person's characteristics. If they're smart and I have something in common with them, I hang with them. If not, I won't. That's me.

  2. I'm wondering why anyone would ever be against them.  I would think its may be a little offensive to say that 'they' are your friends. Each person who has a disability is just that, a person, first and foremost. You should evaluate their capabilities to be your friends based on character traits like honesty and loyalty rather than saying they are all your friends based on the fact that they are disabled in some way. Im not trying to bash your question as I assume you have good intentions but it is probably just as offensive to be 'with' them as it is to be 'against' them based on that one factor which is insignificant to judging their character.

  3. I have worked with elementary aged children for 15 years  that are mentally and pyshically handicapped.  This is a public school.

    I have seen other children in the same school setting mock them and make fun of them, turn their noses up at them and laugh at them.  

    my children are downs syndrom, autistisc, and just developmentally delayed.

    It hurts me to see these other children make fun of them.

    my kids are so special and actually are better behavied than your normal elementary child in some cases.

    they just have behaviors that don't fit in to your everyday society.. It does not mean that they don't have normal feelings, like me and you.

  4. This is an interesting question.  

    I have worked with severely handicapped high school students for 3 years.  To say that you love them and think they are so cool, is this just the ones that you have had contact with?  Or do you really think you can like all handicapped people.

    In my time working with SH, there have been some kids that I have become really fond of.  There have been others that I really wish would move out of the state.  It really depends.  When you get close enough to a group of hadicapped people, you learn their individuality.  

    So to say that they are cool, I would have to think that you haven't met very many handicapped people.  Some are "cool" and others can be down right rude and mean.

    All in all, I have worked with about 40 different high school students who are concidered to be severely handicapped.  They ranged in ages of 14-22.  Out of those 40, I would say that I really liked probably 30-35 of them.  The others, well, not so much.

    I am glad that there are people out there like you who feel some affection to the handicapped, but be carefull saying that they are all your friends or that you love them all.  You may meet one some day that can change your mind.  But untill then, think about maybe becoming a class room aid or TA in a special needs class.  These classes need all the extra help they can get.

  5. hey Emily,

    I work with people who are developmentally disabled. As they say if your in it for the money forget it-you have to love what your doing.

    When people say"what are you retarded?" I quickly respond by saying Watch it their some the best people I know!
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