
Do you like these three names? Which do you like best?

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Here are the names:

- Junah (girl)

- Sora (for girl)

- Alexandros (perhaps as a middle name for a boy?)

Thank you very much!




  1. junah is really good,, & the middle name is good 2 alexandros

  2. Why have you picked those? names? any specific meaning or just 'prettiness'!? My middle name is Alexander (now your gonna hunt me down with that information) i've always loved it. with the world being more European i think Alexandros is perfect. As for Junah, its nice, not my first choice but its good, Sora, in my opinion, is very pretty.

    I think the thing to remember is does the name increase chances of feeling pressured or hating it. A friend of mine is called Dorcas, Pretty name, but just prone to embarrassment. May i askwhat is for

  3. yes i like them.

    the best for me is junah. like juno ;p

  4. Sora for a girl and yes i like Alexandros

  5. I like all three.  

  6. Sorry dont like any of them

    Maybe change

    Sora - Sara


  7. Sora is better than junah though I'm not very fond of the names.

    Alexandros is okay :]

  8. None,sorry...their terrible...

  9. None of them do it for me.  But I will admit to being a traditionalist.  I actually prefer names that have been recognized as such for a generation or two.  The girls names look "made up" and the boys name looks like it might actually be a name in Greece.

  10. Girls names:

    I like Sora best :]

    Boys name:

    Yes but as a middle name, not a first name, like you said :]

  11. Ooh, I love Alexandros!  I've never heard that form before. I'm assuming it's Greek; am I correct?  I've recently become very into boys' names that endin -s (I love Julius, Miles, Marius, Cyrus, and such)

    As far as the girls' names go, I prefer Sora.  It has a very pretty sound, and it's the Japanese word for sky.  Junah is pretty, too, but it sounds a bit made up -- I prefer Juno or the simple June.  All in all, though, Sora gets my vote.  It's exotic, but not too exotic.  It's easy to spell and say, so it will work well in American society, even if the name is uncommon.

  12. Finding a name is a matter of personal feeling, try to find the meaning of a name, then you will decide because no one can do it for you!

    but for me a like Junah!

  13. Alexandros would be ok for a middle name. Maybe with a shorter first name... It would depend on what the first name is too. And out of the 2 girls names I like Sora better, just because Junah sounds too much like Jonah, (a boys name), to me. How about combining forms of the two... Sorah June or Sora Junai?

    Good Luck & God Bless!  

  14. Junah is pretty  

    she wouldnt run into another girl with her name. =)

    Sora  I like

    But because of Kingdoms Hearts (Sora was main character of that game and he was a boy) I think of it as a boy name.

    Alexandros is cool

    Sounds kinda space-age to me.

  15. i really like alexandros and i think sora is better

  16. I really like Junah. It's very cute and unique.  

  17. Junah! And, yes, the boy's: good! (as in Alexander the great!)

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