
Do you like this first day of school outfit?

by  |  earlier

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(in aqua)


(in navy)




(in thermal blue)

trust me its weird that i got alotta blue, but you know.

i just got all this today, and a bunch of other stuff.

tell me what ya think?

thanks. <3




  1. Those shoes are bad. Don&#039;t wear them seriously. Guys like shoes that are s**y, not THAT.

  2. everything is great except the top, it looks kinda weird .

  3. i&#039;m not a HUGE fan of the shoes, they&#039;re okay but not my favorite, maybe they just aren&#039;t my style. everything else is adorable!  

  4. I&#039;d lose the shoes; sorry. Otherwise it&#039;s good.

  5. seems cute. you could maybe go without the undershirt and the shoes though

  6. I seriously love the outfit.

    Its really playful.

    I think it will be perfect.

    Hope I helped. And have a good first dayy of school : ]

  7. that ok i wear alot of blue too

    they shoes are ok, probulary could find better ones that match

    the bag is kinda guyish

    i recommend returning it

    it kinda reminds me of metro station for some reason

    but it cute &amp; all

  8. Yes it&#039;s very nice

  9. I&#039;m not sure if the navy under shirt will go good with the aqua shirt. All the blue is kind of too matchy. Try using different colors.

  10. I really like it! But I think you could add some more color to it, like in accessories, and maybe a diffferent colored shirt or undershirt. I love the shoes and the bag also! Yeah, I thnk it is a great first day of school outfit! =)  

  11. its not really my style, but its cute

  12. The outfit is okay..I don&#039;t really like the shoes.

  13. I think it&#039;s really, really cute and totally cool. I&#039;m not a big fan of the messanger bag because it has that big AE logo and I just think they are big walking billboards, but that&#039;s just me. :) I LOVE the shoes though! Great taste and blue&#039;s a really cool color. Hope I helped.  

  14. idc

  15. its so cute

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