
Do you like this line?

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I heard this line in futurama but i think that it's actually a pretty good line.

it was...

"If you do things just right, then people won't know you've done anything at all."




  1. yeah it is a nice line ...well never really thought about it before that if we do something right no one actually notices that

  2. Yeah, it's funny how such a deep and thoughtful quote could come out of FUTURAMA!

    Here are some of my favorite quotes:

        Professor Farnsworth: And this is my universal translator. Unfortunately so far it only translates into an incomprehensible dead language.

        Cubert: Hello!

        Universal Translator: Bonjour!

        Professor Farnsworth: Crazy jibberish!

        Male Nibblonian: Enough! Fry, it is my duty to inform you that the fate of humanity, the fate of our race, indeed the fate of all that exists and all that will exist rests with you. You are the single most important person in the universe.

        Fry: Oh snap!

    Zapp Brannigan: We're all from different cultures here. Some of you are white, and some of you are black. You're brown. And you're silver. But I don't care if your skin's red, or tan, or Chinese. You're all going to have to learn to die together.

    And my all time favorite:

    "    Leela: Oh, god…not Zapp Brannigan.

        Dr. Zoidberg: You know Zapp Brannigan?

        Leela: Let's just say we crossed paths…

        Bender: Was that before or after you slept with him? "

  3. lol eyah it's pretty funnt



    if doing something right and not being recognized for it....that kinda sucks  

  4. No I think that's insane. If that was the case, we'd be having "accidents" left and right. Get it right as soon as possible in my opinion.
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