
Do you like this name? I feel bad for the girl with it...!!?

by Guest56352  |  earlier

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My friend just had her baby and named her...Kimberella!

What do you think of this name?




  1. Huh?  NO, I don't like that name, and YES, I do feel sorry for the girl with it.  Why not just name her "Kimberly" or "Ella"?

  2. no  i  think  spioled  princess

  3. I have to admit that I am really not fond of the name at all.

  4. I don't like it at all. I like Kimber, maybe she'll use that as a nickname.

  5. yuck. i don't like it

  6. It sounds made up!  I don't like it.

  7. lol me too

  8. Well, the first thing that came to my mind was CINDERELLA, but, it's YOUR FRIEND'S BABY'S NAME not yours!

  9. It's bad. People will always pronounce it Kim-Brella. Like Umbrella and leave out the "ber" sound.

  10. Kimberella? I have never heard of it before but I don't totally hate it but I don't like. I guess you could call her Kim Kimmy or Ella.

  11. Oh Lord! It would have been nice as a first and middle name combination, Kimber Ella... but... Kimberella?! Poor girl. I can already hear the kids at her school taunting her and calling her Cinderella.

    Poor thing : [

  12. maybe they liked Kim and she was concieved under an umberella jkjk  but yeah sorry that name doesn't rock so much in my book

  13. My best friend has an aunt or somebody who was going to be named Ella, but then she was born on Halloween. Guess what they named her then? Elloween.

    Answer mine too, please!;...

  14. Like u said shes YOUR FRIEND just had a baby....cant you just be happy for her?

  15. its another bad mistake little girl will change her name b4 shes 7

  16. It's like a combo of Kimberly, Ella, and umbrella. I don't like it. At all. But there's a lot of nicknames you could use!! Kim, Ella, Elle, Kimbers....

  17. It sounds like a super hero name or something. Or maybe she had that Umbrella song in her head when she named her.

    Kimber ella....ella...ella....ella.

  18. It sounds like an Umbrella brand.  "The next model comes down the catwalk with a Kimberella umbrella.  Look at her go!"

  19. Its ehhh. Too similar to Cinderella. Its like a combination of Kimberly which personnaly is a gorgeous name. Kimberella , Sounds like an ugly person to meet.

  20. Can't be true, how could you let her do that? Suppose the kid could fall back on Kim or Ella.

  21. That's kinda cruel. At least she can go by Kim or Ella?

  22. poor kid.

  23. WTF I feel sorry for that little baby!

  24. Its definently different!

  25. People may not like the name you have chosen or will choose for your children but that's life...We all have different tastes...Yes it is a little odd but that is one of the perks of having a child-you get to decided what you will name happy for her and never make a big deal over the can call her Kimber for short-which is super cute to me...and that is probably what will happen anyway-she will have a shortened version people will call her..

  26. i feel soo bad for that little girl when she goes to school!

  27. hahah wtf.

  28. Wow. That name sucks so much ***.

  29. What is wrong with your friend?  lol

    That name is definately different!

  30. sounds like a stripper!

  31. Kimberly and Cinderella?

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