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Any tips? I'm only 14 and I haven't taken any classes or anything. I don't know what I'm doing but I like photography. I don't use a professional camera [I use a digital camera from 2003 and it's like half broken so yeah]. So, I would gladly take any tips, suggestions, etc. Thanks!




  1. great photo.. bad timestamp...

    should be a setting in the camera, to turn them off

  2. I love that photo - I have just posted an exact same question about one of my photographs hehe.

    I think its very artistic and creative - Keep up the great work!


  3. So pretty, although you might want to use better lighting.

  4. Very beautiful.  Looks like a pro took it! :)  You can take off the numbers by changing the settings in your camera where the time/date is.  You dont have to know much about photography, you just need a good eye and good timing.  Of course you need to know your equipment but some photographers have taken great pictures without relying on the 1,000,000 and 1 different settings.  Play around with the lighting, angles and settings and you should be great in no time!

  5. Very pretty!!!

  6. beautiful you have captured a sense of soul on the pic its really artistic keep it up  

  7. it's great! i like the whole colour and off-centered effect

  8. its very very good and yeh its amazing but i would out more emphasis on the yellow

  9. i love that photo it's very unique but it would be better to take away the date and time wonderful job though

  10. I like it.  It doesn't look like a typical "flower picture".  Keep up the good work.  The more you shoot the more you learn.

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