
Do you like this pic???????

by  |  earlier

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rate it from 1-10... tnx! :)




  1. No, I don't like it.  Did you photoshop yourself into the picture? I give it a 2 because the art in it is good, but whats up with the guy?

  2. Well i would say it's very creative but maybe the guy shoudn't be there wearing a white T-shirt..

  3. 10, i think it is really creative and has a lot of talent :)

  4. wow i really like this pic :) good job

    i would give it 9 i likes it allot

    however i agree i dont reli like the guy in that top lol it kinda makes the pik luk strange like it shouldn't b there

    well i like it alot so yea a 9 is a good score :)

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