
Do you like this? picture..?

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its a pink purse

wat do you think about this for a 14 year old girl ? what are the designer bags called that look like this one?




  1. i love it! i don't know the brand of the designer ones but it looks exactly like the designer one. and it's probably not leather since it's only $20

  2. Oh gosh no.. it looks like a pink version of the American flag..

    Definitely not for a 14-year old

  3. I would get it it look great for a 14 year old to have!!

  4. Sorry but that bag is so not hot.

    and that is not leather because if it was it wouldn't be $20

  5. Its adorable!!! i like it im 16

  6. I don't think it is leather.

    At least not real leather.

    If you like it, get it. Don't listen to what people say.. I personally have never owned a purse and never want to. I get c**p for it all the time!

  7. i think this one is better for a 14 old girl  

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