
Do you like this poem? Please let me know what you think!

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There are walls all around me. I wont take them down. Not for anyone. I have hurt that others can only see if they would take the time to look into my eyes! The pain of being molested not knowing what was going to happen from minute to minute still stands within. I don't want this pain anymore. If only I could let it go I would. You say that I should be over me when I say I really wish I was. Its harder then you think it is! Try being woken up with your moms boyfriend touching you. Tell me then how you hurt and then maybe we can relate a little. Until then don't try to tell me I'm weak. Just because you hold all your anger in don't mean that I to have to do the same. You might be blood but I am nothing like you. I have my own dreams that even if you put them down I'm going to accomplish. Try to stop me. I'll let you know real fast who's going to win this battle.

What do you think?

God Bless




  1. Hey !!!!!!  This is not a poem. This is some thing else. This is the PAIN you are going through and just wanted to share this with someone. Please do not worry, have curage and next time slap him hard. But don't alow the "next time " come into your way. Just go straight away to your mom, and tell her what happen before it is too late. She is there for you, don't feel you are alone and she will not belive you, If I can, she will also, afterall she is your mom. You will sure win this battel. You are not alon. God is with you...always..


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