
Do you like this poem??????

by  |  earlier

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I wrote it and want your thought on it. (i write this stuff a lot)

Sea otters in the sea,

Threatened by the human beings,

Water pollution can be stopped,

If people cared enough to not,

Put harmful things into our oceans,

Show the slightest bit devotion,

Not pour a potion into the sea,

Made of oils and debris

If someone cared enough to quit,

It would help a little bit

Don’t waste so much,

Cause now you see,

It goes to the ocean,

With the debris,

The more you conserve,

The more you save,

You can help our oceans every day,

Just try to cooperate,

Be a little compassionate,

Or our sea otters see their fate!




  1. nice.

  2. It's very nice

  3. yeah its a good poem. keep writing

  4. It's good. I can see you are very concerned about our ruining the environment for our animals and ruination of our resources  by our bad habits and lack of concern. Keep writing and maybe someday we will see your name out there for something famous.

  5. You need to work on punctuation.  Poems should be puntuated the same as prose.  Placing commas at the end of very line is incorrect and makes it hard to read.

  6. Yea, I liked it. :)

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