
Do you like this.....

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its almost like shes got to have tears in her eyes just for you to survive

shes trying so hard just to breathe each day

but you repeatedly get in her way

you blind her with those sweet words so she holds on a little tighter

doesnt she realize your not making her load any lighter?

she strives for your attention

you never deprive her of neglection

im hoping one day you'll set her free

but until then her eyes wont see

whats clear to even the blind;he's only messing with her mind.




  1. From one poet to another...

    It's amazing! As English poetry goes. Did you write it yourself?

  2. i L-O-V-E it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. yh

  4. its very good

    reminds me of some dickenson classics mixed with henry thorough ...

    i would say you have a good chance of being published ,

    submit to the '' for consideration ,

    my girlfriend is a member longstanding and they publish new talent all the time

    good luck


  6. What is this post to be? cause I don't know

  7. yeah its quite good.

  8. its ok.

  9. its really good like AMAZING.

  10. its amazing

    you are really good

    -♥ Taylor ♥

  11. Yes it is good, But too bad this girl is putting all her personal power to him. He can only mess with her mind because she lets him

  12. As a creative writing major, I have to be honet and say it is cliche and dramatic.

  13. nice,  what or who inspired you? do you have other writings? keep on writing...
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