
Do you like this show name or should I change it? If so, what?

by  |  earlier

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My horse's stable name is Clever

And his show name at the moment is Forever Clever

I used to love it but some of my friends think its kinda childish, while others think it's the cutest thing in the world.

I don't really know what to think of it anymore, what do you guys think?

If not, what other show names do you suggest?

He is a dark bay (almost black) with a white star and sock on his back left leg. He is a perfect gentleman and I love him to death

(And the show name CANNOT be 'Ever So Clever' there are too many horses out there with that show name)




  1. I like the name Forever Clever. I think its very cute!

  2. ok here is what i think if u like it keep it and if not change it but the dissision should be yours and wat u think and not your friends!!

  3. i really like Forever Clever. i think it's cute, but one other name i think might match is Sharp Dressed Man. i think it might work because of his color and temperment. but if you like his name as is, keep it; he's your horse and you have the final say-so! =]

  4. what about Charmer/Charming or something like that since he is a perfect gentlemen

  5. Keep it because he has a record ,and if you change it, everything on his record will go away.

  6. ok its your horses name it what you want your friends dont matter in this situation ok so if you love forever clever you should sick with it ok

                                                 when i said your friends dont matter i ment thier opinions dont count its your opinion

  7. i like it it sounds good for him

  8. clever and forever clever are so cute and they stick. your friends are jst jealous that their horse doesn't have a cute name like that!!

  9. i like it!

  10. well, the show name is what's on the papers. . . so why change it less you want to change you horse's papers

  11. that name is the best. and if ur friends r saying that, that is because they r jealous they didnt think of it first. Haha! but if u really like that name, then dont change it, no matter what anyone says. it is ur horse, and u call it what ever u want. u probably have a special meaning for that name and that is y u named him that. so i say to stick with it.

    I hope i helped!!!

  12. If you like it, stick with it.

  13. i really like forever clever. its awesome. so if u like it go with it. it doesnt matter wat anyone else thinks. its ur horse: )

  14. i like the one u chose but i kinda like clever star

  15. I love forever clever, it's cute. You could try Spiritoso aswell. It's pretty, it means witty/clever in Italian. If he's had that show name for a while I wouldn't change it only because the name is where all the recognition is. Changing is sort of like changing a name when it's already known you know? But if you want to change it, I suggest something pretty simple and similar and graceful. Try this :) Hope this helps :)

  16. Stick with it.  I'ts a good name.

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