
Do you like this site?

by Guest58555  |  earlier

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It's a website I made as I've seen people wanting to support Britney Spears now, after 2 years of trouble. Check it out, it's not much, but if you like what I wrote in there, hope you'll leave a support comment for her.Thanks!




  1. i havent looked at it, but i will

  2. Dear,

    I really like the site.

  3. you did a great gesture, dear

    thanks a lot for being like this

  4. no thanks am not the adviser she's old enough to know wat she's doing??so i don't care about her problems she's going through

  5. It's good. It's nice that fans want to support Britney. I'm not a fan but I think what she's going trough is horrible and that she is a victim of her own celebrity.

  6. Great!

  7. ok chris crocker wannabe

  8. I dont really care I like the website PSP vault if you have a PSP
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