
Do you like this sort of thing?

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When I placed the sapphire-lens glasses

on my nose, the words in the poetry

realigned. What had been a jumble

of nonsensical gibberish was now

clean and clear pristine expressions

in three languages.

Then, I tried the emerald lenses. The green

gemstone made no difference in the syntax, yet

somehow altered the core belief in each line.

What had been compassion and unity

a few moments earlier, was now

distance and detachment.

Then I tried to read it again without glasses.

I was unable to speak any of the words, yet I

was somehow more comfortable without

the knowledge. The mumbo-jumbo was pleasing

to the ear and less of a strain on a mind already

burdened with thought.





  1. "Hi!",

    Great poem. It sure is a Sapphire piece poem.


    Cheers : )

  2. I told you to wear the filter lenses when readding by Martian sunlight.

  3. I am always looking for my glasses...

    This is very new, isn't it? I like this style, very different from what you usually write. New, slow, rhythm? You are not becoming wiser, are you?

  4. I like it.

  5. Poetry written in prismatic format - changes perceived by change of color (or viewpoint).  Just imagine - each comment (here posted) - is another "color" lens ♥

  6. Very nice!! You have managed to bring things into focus without making a spectacle of your self.

  7. Methinks those were rose-colored glasses with sapphire and emerald hues....the real deal was more palatable because you could ignore at we all do...hehehehehheee

  8. The editor, the publisher and the poet.  Put in a pot and stir.

  9. This is a great piece TD....a treasure it is, sure to survive some decades smoothly. If I shall live a couple of decades more, I shall find this poem on the table of some active critics, discussing on what great differences the colour sapphire and emerald have made. I could stand there then as a prophet satisfied at my words having come true.

  10. Yes, I love this sort of thing. But, I will warn you, do not try the ruby lenses. They tend to draw your eyes only to sappy love poems, or emo/suicidal/ohgodihatemylife/ type stuff. I warn you, stay away! Remain blind!

    Write more poems like this one. It's wonderful.

  11. I often think the sounds are more interesting than the words.

    "Mumbo Jumbo", Langston Hughes?

  12. Looking through crystal spectacles

    I can see you've had your fun

  13. yes I love this sort of think. Everybody needs a clear view of what their doing.

  14. I keep grabbing the world colored glasses while searching for the rose colored ones.....Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

  15. This I love!  It always happens to me......I search and search......finally find......then realize my stuff was better unread, lol.  I've been thinking of kaleidescopes recently....

  16. Are you saying that we can pull the glasses over your eyes with inferior poetry?...put on your sapphire spectacles before you read this...

    A B C D gol'fish?

    M N O gol'fish.

    S D R gol'fish!

    O D R gol'fish.

    .....not mine own, a pome from my yuff.

    When did you find the time to write this?  Does this mean it's winding down time for the PoetsfromMars?

  17. I like it if the writer had fun with it

  18. It is very interesting how different colored lenses alter poetry...

  19. I have the teensy weeny problem that without my glasses I am forever inadvertently rearranging pieces of furniture! My favourite coloured lenses are yellow, apparently if signifies a sunny disposition. Maybe I just like custard.

    Great poem.

  20. We all need a nap and a good night's sleep!

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