
Do you like this story idea?

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I've started writing a story, and whether or not you like the idea, I will continue to write it. I just want some opinions.

A girl's parents both die in a terrible accident, and she is sent to go live with her wealthy uncle, whom she has never met before.

Little does she know, her uncle happens to be the "super-hero" of the city, running around at night saving lives. He apparently is invincible, but she thinks that is impossible. She believes that this super guy, "Rush", is just a hoax, but when she sees him on the news, she thinks otherwise. Her uncle keeps this a secret from her.

He decides to throw her a welcome party, but the town's psycho, who calls himself the Arsenal, crashes the party and becomes obsessed with Rush's niece. He slashes his initial, "A" into her palm, leaving everyone scared and her uncle missing. Rush appears, but is much too late and quickly tries to follow the Arsenal. His niece is rushed to the hospital.

How does that sound so far? There's more, but it's hard to explain.




  1. honestly it doesnt sound like a book. to me i picture it more as a comic book or graphic novel because it seems like it would have alot of action that would need to be portryed visually.

    answer mine please;...

  2. uh it sounds okay a little comic bookish but still good uh if you could explain a little more that would help alot though.

    but could you give me ur opinion on my question also?;...

  3. It's alright. It sounds a bit like spiderman, though.

  4. it sounded like  series of unfortunate events at first but it seemed pretty good so far. i really don't get the "a" thing but okay.

  5. Well, it's not a complete plot. But, I'm sure you didn't mean to post the entire plot, just a snippet, correct? The idea of the girl becoming an orphan is a cliche reason for a child to go live with their other relatives, but it really depends on how you write it out. Being an undercover superhero is also cliche, but again, depends how you write it.

    To me, it doesn't really matter what the storyline is. It may sound so familiar you want to groan and say, "Oh, not another one!" It may sound so outlandish and improbable that you think to yourself, "You have got to be kidding!"

    What matters is how you write it. Are the characters well developed? Is the dialogue believable and interesting? Is the description well balanced with the action? These are not the kinds of questions you can answer from a plot summary.

    Good luck!

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