
Do you like this tattoo? I think it's really cute.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no the strawberry looks like a heart its gross, dont get it  

  2. yeah. i wouldn't get it, but i think it's pretty cool.

  3. Nope, sorry don't really like it...

  4. I think it's COOL! :)

  5. not if i was you.

  6. I don't really like it all that much.I think you should get something drawn up for you that is original.You  are obviously looking for something unique  that will suit you.Go to a tattoo studio that has a good reputation and does original tattoos .The research will pay off to find a place like that.Then you will have something amazing and very much you.If you really,really like the tattoo you have shown maybe you could somehow incorporate it with a new fresh design!Good luck!!

  7. Not at all, it's too cartoonish.

    It's hard to tell what's going on.

  8. it's not usually my taste, but it kinda has an edge to it that i like. get if if YOU like it though. its your tattoo.

  9. i think it looks unique, but i wouldnt get it...but get it if u want

  10. It's pretty ugly and gaudy, especially for being on the back of the neck. Plus you really shouldn't steal someone else's design. Get something unique and make it your own. Don't just get a tattoo because someone else has it.

  11. I don't care for it. The fact that it has the stem of a strawberry attached to a heart, makes it hard to read. Then the snake being the traditional colors of earth and water make it look like a map, so the snake itself is hard to read. A good tattoo is not supposed to be hard to make out. Lack of clarity is an indicator of a poorly produced tattoo.

  12. I honestly think it's really ugly.

  13. ew.. i dont like women with tattoos

  14. i agree with samantha is a bit disturbing and gross sry =/

  15. Ganking someone elses design is never cool. It obviously can't be too meaningful if  you are stealing someone elses.  

  16. strawberry heart w/ a snake?

    ask your self if you really want that, does it mean anything to you instead of just being cute?

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