
Do you like thunder and lightning storms???

by  |  earlier

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Do you get scared? Or watch............perhaps even shout back??!




  1. I stayed in a tent in the lightning and the thunder and it was scary!

  2. I love them. I'm always looking at the lightning, seeing if I can spot different colours or different types of bolt.

  3. l don't mind them as long as they don't interfere w/ my plans, and as long as l don't have to walk in them.

  4. yarh, love them. there is one right now in redditch, worcestershire :D

    ace! ohhh! there was another flash just then lol

  5. h**l yea i love them. they help me sleep through the night.

  6. Oh yes! It's the best entertainment I think

    The sound, the sight, it's amazing!

    I love them (:

  7. I love them. I find them quite romantic actually. When me and my bf met in Spain there was a huge storm and we laid on the beach together and watched it over the sea.

  8. l like watching the lightening, but last night we had a thunderbolt in wednesbury, less than a mile from where i live, l jumped out my chair with fright cause the bang was so load and the flash was so bright.

  9. I love watching, photographing, and studying thunder and lightning!

  10. I love them when they are when I wake up. Or between 9 am-3pm or between8pm and 3 am. otherwise they annoy me.

  11. Ilove them,each one is different and has its own personality.They have been around since this planet was formed but they still hold a special fascination for those who like them.

  12. I love them they are so soothing.

  13. love them, and watch them, and listen to them

  14. I love storms and yes I'll go to a high place and watch the lightening!

  15. I love storms and thunders as long as I'm not out there..!!;)

  16. I love thunderstorms! =]

  17. i don't like them because there's tons of trees around my house and if they fell down it would be very bad for me. Plus with all the noise it's hard to sleep.

  18. i get scared from the thunder  cause its way to loud

    but i love to watch the lightening

  19. Oh yes! I just love them to death! They are to DIE FOR! -


    They will kill me!!!

    Oh yeah! Those are the BEST thunderstorms!

    The ones that kill me all right!

    Ya I'm cool now!


    I just feel like singing about thunderstorms right now!

    La laaaa lala THUNDERSTORMS ARE SOOOOO NICEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    boom bam!

  20. love them ,and you can breathe really well, go on try it!

    Something to do with ions.

  21. generally im on the computer and sometimes they make the power go out which is good cuz then i can chill and watch them its fun some of the lightning looks cool as f**k but then i cant play on the computer anymore so it sucks in that aspect and i'd rather have terrential down pour and go stand in the rain cuz usually there warm and fun to chill in... i like playing in the rain... cept one time me and my buddy were talking to a friends house and we were about 5 feet from a transformer and lightning hit it, it scared the p**s out of him but i thought it was cool as h**l idk... all in all i dont like them b/c they dc me for a while...

  22. I love watching them, and their scary noises, UNLESS I know for sure that ones gonna fall on me, if there was no chance of that happening, then I love them =D

  23. I love them, I think they're so comforting. Can cuddle up inside listening to them. And the excitement of them... =)

  24. I like to watch lightning at night when it's faraway, but not just sitting outside in the storm.

  25. I like the smell after they are done. That sweet smell is due to ozone caused by lightning.

    I also like the smell just before they start -- it smells like wet concrete.

  26. I love them,haven't  had a decent one in London for ages.I love the smell  of the electricy and the flash and the rumble.

    perhaps I'm weird

  27. I absolutely love them, if it really rains hard with it I can often be found dancing round the garden like a loonie to watch them, getting drenched and loving it, especially in weather like we have had lately!

    I especially like it when there is fork lightning, sheet lightning is OK too but it isn't as dramatic somehow, and I also love storms at night time so the lightning really stands out and is really obvious...sometimes in the day it can be really hard to see it properly!

  28. i love thunder + lightening and i know a lot of people who do as well..theres just something about it, its magical (: x

  29. I hate them because you have to stay off the computer or turn the computer off. No Computer=No Internet=No Yahoo Answers!

  30. Love storms...

  31. Love the calm before the storm.

    My fiancee and I both like to watch the sky turn dark and the wind pick up.

    It feels great. Especially here in Florida where you miss out on the Four Seasons. I miss that from Atlanta.

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