
Do you like to be chased, or do you like to be the one to do the chasing?

by  |  earlier

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and what's your sign?




  1. chasing


  2. I am a Sag girl..

    Honestly speaking, I love to chase more. To me, chasing is so much fun and challenging. But, I kinda have a strange definition of chasing. It doesn't mean you have to be the first one who ask him out or you don't necessary have to make a first move... but there are ways you can do to attract him to make a first move instead..

    I am proud to say that all the guys I have been dating with are the ones I find attractive at first, meaning I like 'em first and I don't care if they do or not, I have my charming way to make 'em fall for me.. and when they do, they will chase me and then we're together!! =)

  3. When I was single, I liked to be chased.*


  4. I like to be chased i hate it to chase someone.

  5. I don't like chasing or being chased.  What's with head games?  If you like someone, be upfront and honest.  If you aren't interested, don't waste their time.

  6. I agree with Erac. Why does anyone has to "chase" or pursue anyone? lol If two people like each other then no one should have to chase the other. I'm not too keen on games either.

  7. i am an old fashioned woman , i should be chased!


  8. Be chased.


  9. احب الاثنين كان اطارد حبيبتي مرة وان تطاردني هي مرة اخري وان تتخلل هده

    المطاردات لقاء ودي ليس له مثيل ننسى فيه همومنا ونتذكر حبنا الذي لايفنا

    i like bouth sometimes my girle chase me and others i do and between the chase story ther is a great story  whene we forget the world and remember our immortal  love

  10. im a virgo though i dont think that has much to do with the question.

    i prefer to be chased but i usually end up doing the chasing. i usually end up making the first move too.

  11. I ABSOLUTELY,TOTALLY LOOOOOVE to be chased.I totally love to play it hard to get and watch him chasing me like crazy! It makes me feel so s**y and wanted and feminine.I guess i'm But i'm a submissive sort of girl,you'll never see me chasing anyone.I just like being a woman,and I like them playing their part too.:)

    I'm a Pisces.

  12. I like to be chased.

  13. Ohh i love doing the chasing cos im easily wooed unless im just not interested! I dno what it is that i just love trying to work my way into someones heart! Taurus

  14. i like to be chased im to shy TOO chase lol

    im a scorpio hope i helped bye bye xoxox

  15. I would like to chase you for your absurd offer on horoscopes

  16. Chased.  Definitely chased.


  17. well the truth is I always think that I much rather be chased but in the end I usually end up doing the chasing and when i do get chased I feel revolted and run away.

    Libra sun

    Scorpio Rising

    Taurus Moon

  18. ofcourse i like to be chase...chasing someone looks stupid..and especially if ur a girl...

  19. I like to be chased by a nice man and get to know him better and see what we both have in common with each other.

  20. i love being chased....but when i have to i will be the one to do the chasing....

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