
Do you like to be hot or cold?

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Do you like to be hot or cold?




  1. COLD! I actually get realy really annoyed and crainky when I get hot. Especially if you are in your house and theres no AC or its broken and you are just sitting there sweating you ars off and you've been hot and sweaty for some time now. Then think about how its kinda hard to breath cause the air is heavy and you just feel sluggish and at night you can't sleep cause its sooo hot. Wow good question but I really really hate to be hot. lmao

  2. COLD!!

  3. neither

  4. Oooh.


    It sucks to be cold since whenever I'm cold I have to find a way to be still and say warm, and I'm always hungry when I'm cold.

    But when I'm hot, I'm not always hungry and you can sit in front of a fan and in the shade.


  5. i rather be hot because then i can get tan and it feels better then cold because cold makes me feel like im gonna freeze to death

  6. Hot, because i hate to be cold!

  7. iced hot

  8. hot

  9. I'd much rather be hot then cold. I know it's alittle strange. However, I hate being in the cold weather. I've lived in Cali most of my life and I was born in Bermuda where the weather is very hot. My dad says "you can always take it off but you can't put it on." Which I understand completely but my body just doesn't do well in cold weather. That's a good question to ask though.  :)   Hope I could help!

  10. Hot, because you could just jump into a pool if your too hot. Go skinny dipping!

  11. hot and sweaty

  12. I don't really like either extreme, but I prefer can always add more clothes. When you're hot, you can only take so much off. Plus I hate sweating...

  13. I like to be cold since you can always be warm

  14. hot! :] that way i can take off clothes, instead of putting more clothes on if I'm cold.

  15. cold

  16. Niether.

  17. idk it depends on how im feeling????

  18. I like to be hot when it is cold and cold when it is hot.  Im fussy like dat.

  19. id rather be cold personally

  20. hot....but i always am so...

  21. hot. it reminds me of myself

  22. Cold, definitely....

  23. I like to be hot :)

  24. neither.

  25. neither in between

  26. HOT!!! Most of the time you get tan when you're hot because you're outside!!!

    TANS rule!!

    You don't get anything when you're cold.

  27. Hawwtt ;)

  28. I'd rather be hot, your body has inner cooling system, ever notice when you are really hot your stomach and chest are cold to the touch...when you are cold its so hard to warm up...

  29. i love it hot... i think of ice cream, tanning, beach, swimming/surfing, sitting outside sipping hot cocoa on the porch at night, romantic walks.

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