
Do you like to be teased ?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you like to do the teasing ?




  1. teasing is just in my nature.  and I don't mean to brag or anything but I'm not bad at it either :D

  2. Neither. Because someone teasing me makes me feel awful and teasing someone else might feel good to yourself, but not to the other person. I don't like to be teased, so why would I do it to someone else?? It's painful sometimes!!

  3. 2 pts sorry

  4. i love to do the teasing..

    i'm quite good at it actually. :D  

  5. That, sir, depends on your definition of teasing...

  6. i love to tease,but payback can be a ***** and a turn on lol

  7. I'm always teasing lol i do it without thinking about it  

  8. nope hate it . if you like then ask me out then.  

  9. no who likes to be teased?

    no i don't tease

    i play around in a good way

  10. Both. =) , we are talking sexually..right?!

  11. I hate teasing it's one of my pet peeves actually, if you push it to hard i will cry i hate it i will personally tell people to stop & they don't so i just walk away...:(

  12. I certainly dont like to be teased myself but its fun to tease friends!

  13. i like teasing not involved.

  14. depends who the girl is

  15. NO I HATE TEASING!! and i sometimes like to kid/joke, but not make fun of

  16. idk  

  17. I love both!

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