
Do you like to go horse racing?!?

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do you like going horse racing? to glam up and watch the racing to?




  1. Yes, very much so.

    I love horses and too watch a race is exciting.

    You stay as little or as long as you like.

    You can walk over to the paddack and watch them being

    saddled or hear the call for "jockeys up".

    Even if I never make a bet, I love watching the races. .

  2. No, I think it`s cruel........

  3. It's good exercise, but the horse always seems to beat me.

  4. Yes,I love it and I wish that I lived near a track.It is fun and exciting.

  5. Horse racing is an exciting day out, to the mugs that think its cruel, get some perspective, and look the word up.

    Its a rare sport that appeals to all, young, old, male, female, g*y straight, etc, et,c.....

  6. I don't

  7. I sometimes go to the dog track and I really enjoy it. But I've never been horse racing.

  8. No, they are faster than me.

  9. Horseracing is a wonderful sport.  The horses are beautiful graceful athletes that REALLY DO LOVE TO RACE.  Horseracing does have problems but they can be solved. You can help.


    Some reforms are needed and now is the time.  Check out the facts and enjoy racing.

  10. I go racing all the time and agree with David H I live near Ascot and used to love it but would rather go to Windsor or Brighton

  11. Yes I love to go horse racing. I live about 50 miles from Newmarket in Suffolk and have just been to the July meeting which was fantastic.

    Just watching the horses in the paddock and then going down, and when they come thundering down the track the atmosphere is electric.

    We all enjoy putting on our best outfits to go racing, but for me its the racing that counts and I dress casual smart so that I can run to the bookie and pick up my winnings quickly.(lol)

    Some of the girls do go in wonderful outfits, but some of them go a little over the top and treat every meeting as if it were Royal Ascot, but if that' what you enjoy, then fine, its your day enjoy it and the bonus is that you could win enough for another new outfit if you have done your homework.

    Have fun, going racing is a great day out and it isn't cruel, the horses are bred to run and the majority are highly pampered.

    Jacqui xx

  12. Yes, we went only last week. It is nice to see these animals doing something they are bred for. Out of all the races only 1 horse did not seem to having a nice time.

  13. At some of the big meetings, Royal Ascot etc, it seems as if fashion is taking over.   For people who are interested in the racing, like myself, its a bloody nuisance.   Go and have your fashion shows somewhere else, and leave us in peace.  Most of you, just make yourselves look like a bunch of cheap tarts anyway, no taste whatsoever.

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