
Do you like to hear about other people winning the lottery?

by  |  earlier

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While your financial situation may be in the toilet and

hearing about someones good fortune just makes you

sick and you turn the channel?

Do you sit back imagining them on fire?

Or are you happy for them and you keep playing to win

no matter if you lose?




  1. No, because I don't play.

    But even if I did, there would be a million people in the same boat as me. We all know the odds are ridiculously high.

  2. Only if I won the lottery.

  3. I don't mind hearing of others good fortune.  It's especially rewarding to hear about the people that win a large lottery when they were really down and out.

    I don't think anybody likes the thought hearing about a millionaire winning a large lottery.

    I play the lottery once in a blue moon, usually when the odds are highest and the purse is at a record amount.  I guess that is why I have never won anything.

    You have to play to win!

  4. It depends if they really need the money or not, If they do good for them. If its an illegal immgrent i say off with they're heads!

  5. I'm happy for them, but in many ways winning the lottery is a curse.  I do not envy them.

  6. yaa i just love it when other people i don't know win millions of dollars by putting in no effort besides scratching a piece of paper. it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

  7. I'm happy for them

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