
Do you like to live in a country with four seasons or just summer all year round?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I have been in england for a year comming from australia. I find it hard at times with the weather as we dont get a winter compared to here. i like having the seasons, more interesting. one day you will drive down a lane and it will be lush with green then the next time you go down there its all dead, you get the flowers in spring then they all go for summer. very beautiful in summer and spring the rest of the time it is very depressing weather, but i supose that is england for you.but with year long summers like aus everything has a habbit of looking dead and life less all the time. you deffinatly appreciate your summer more when in a four season place.

    so yes i like four seasons compared to year long summer.

  2. nope I love winter too!

  3. 4 seasons

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