As you know, telemarketers can be really pushy and try to do the hard sell, and bill collectors can be extremely rude and downright mean and insulting.
These people are used to dealing with angry people, and usually if you get angry back at them, it turns into a big fight and pulls both people into this mess of shooting barbs back at one another, and lengthens the call.
So, I devised a different way of dealing with these annoying callers.The answer? Start getting really weird with them. That gets them off the phone with you in nothing flat.
For example, once I had this female bill collector call me. She was very confrontational with me, literally raising her voice and bordering on being verbally abusive. She would shout things at me, cut me off and interrupt me, threaten me, etc. So, I ask her, "Pardon me, but I just want to know, how big are your b*****s?" That really takes her off guard and throws her off her game. So she tries to get back into her train of thought, so I say, "Well, personally, I'm a boob man. Would you say you're more like a C-cup, or a D-cup?" Then she gets really ruffled and stutters and gets silent for a moment. She starts up again, and I say, "Oh, have you seen the movie 'Saving Private Ryan?' It's so good? It's about this Army officer at the battle of Normandy, and he's all scared, right? So anyway - this is so cool - he like throws this bomb and...." and I rattle on and on for several minutes, and tell her all about the coolest scenes, etc. Then I'll start into something like, "Do you take fiber to stay regular? Well, have you had a good bowel movement today? About how many times a day do you have a BM?"
Well, you get the picture. LOL!!!! Eventually, Miss Mafioso baracuda lady who is bossing me around and barking words at me, being disrespectful and threatening, ends up being the butt of the joke. You basically have to throw them off their game and off their train of thought - totally and completely change the whole paradigm on them. It's great fun!!!
So how about you? Any good stories?