
Do you like to pay less for right portion of food or pay more money for get bigger portion food?

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Do you like to pay less for right portion of food or pay more money for get bigger portion food?




  1. more if it's good!  tha way i will have some for later!!!

  2. Pay less for the right portion of food.  Since I'm dieting however, I'm paying MORE for less food.  Boy when you ask for a substitution in some places it costs more, and then just everyday things.  Have you seen how expensive those 100 calorie packs are. Wow, you could buy a big bag for 1/3 of these little small bags.  I guess there is a price to pay to be healthy

  3. I agree with samantha

  4. Definitely pay for less.

  5. pay less for right portion of food

  6. pay less for less - or pay less for good quality food. not really about quantity, but perhaps quality

  7. Pay less for the right portion of food

  8. I don't like paying for portions that no one but a giant could eat - I'm all about paying less for less.  Explains alot about the obesity epidemic in the states.

  9. hey, if you cant finish it, you can always take it home....but  usually you feel bad b/c you know you wont eat it at home, so you gobble it all up right there and then...

  10. Pay less for the right portion. Heck I'd pay the same amount for a human portion...

  11. *cought PAY FOR MORE cough*

    I always like the option of having more

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