
Do you like to......?

by Guest67095  |  earlier

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Today is the first day of winter here and I wore a new scarf I knitted last night....what do you like to knit???




  1. dont no how!!

  2. i odnt know how and dont have patience for it

  3. **Raising Hand**

    and me and me and me

  4. No...I don't know how to

    Would you teach me?

  5. yea its so fun i thought like only old laddies do it but when i gave it a go i actually enjoyed it. good question :D

  6. I can't believie it!!  Your dad knows how to knit!!  Did HE teach you?  I want a demonstration!!

    I can knit too but I'm not patient to knit a whole scarf....!

  7. I can too :D, and i's not an old lady thing, it just needs patience, if u love it, then it won't be boring

  8. Sheeze ...what's going on here !  Even I know how to knit ! lol
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