
Do you like to sing on a roller coaster?

by  |  earlier

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I do How about you guys?




  1. yep! i screaaAAMM tooo!

  2. I prefer screaming lol :]

  3. I would not want to sing on a roller coaster because your screaming to hard!

  4. Sometimes I sing. I am also guilty of cursing a lot!

  5. when I'm not laughing I sing - - loud, silly songs!


  6. Nope...I'm usually too nervous or excited!

  7. Yeah, but only if I'm with a friend. I'll like scream out the words and people look at me like I'm crazy!

  8. well....if you call screaming singing?

    but no, sounds like fun i'll try it!

  9. i like to sing on roller coasters. but its only fun if i'm with a friend. because people next to me will think i'm... crazy :]

    but yes singing on rides is fun.

  10. I enjoy screaming.

    Words, to be more specific.

    To be the most specific, I enjoying screaming "JONAS!" a lot.

    or any of their names. Makes me feel different, ya know?

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