
Do you like to sit in for a meal or do you prefer a takeaway?

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Do you like to sit in for a meal or do you prefer a takeaway?




  1. I like to make a good night of it with friends and sit in especially in the colder weather. I think you enjoy the food better if you sit in also. More of a social night out.

  2. sit in

  3. depends, if money is tight then a take out is a better option as beer/wine  is cheaper at home but if feeling flush, it make a nice change to be served by a charming person and not having to do the clearing up

  4. take away at home- pop in a movie & graze for hours

  5. Love to sit in and enjoy a break.  Dont get out much so once in a blue moon it's nice to be served rather than serve.

  6. It's better if you can sit own because then your body can digest the food better and you can have a wonderful conversation with whoever you dining with.

  7. It depends, for inexpensive meals I prefer takeaway, for the better meals out I prefer to eat in.

  8. Dining out is pretty much my favorite activity. That being said, sometimes it's better to curl up on the couch in comfy pajamas and get takeout. Some wine and a good movie, and you're set!

  9. I own a restaurant and can tell you that dinning in gives you better quality food. Take out food sits there for god knows how long and gets soggy and cold. Eat it hot out of the kitchen for the best results

  10. takeout. not much work required and u can still enjoy meals w ur fam

  11. yeah its better to sit down and engage in conversation with others, in my opinion

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