
Do you like to sleep?

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Do you like to sleep?




  1. yeh what a dumb question

  2. I dislike going to sleep but absoultly hate waking up.

  3. sometimes...when i go to bed no. when i have to wake up , yes!

  4. thats like one of my favorite activities =D plus once i slept for like 12 hours straight lolz

  5. yup just love it.....wat about u?

  6. I love sleep, its the only time I can escape from the world, most of the time I don't even want to wake up. I sleep all day and am up all night. Sleep is the best, the song is awesome too.

  7. only when im tired

  8. Yes of course!

  9. I am not sure because when I am asleep I am asleep! I like to dream so I guess it has some good benefits. I like dreaming and feeling alert in the mornings ... so, yes.

  10. yea

  11. yep!

  12. Yes~
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