
Do you like to tell people to shut up sometimes? And not in that kidding way?

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Do you like to tell people to shut up sometimes? And not in that kidding way?




  1. well..its bad to say shut up..but yes at times its the best!

  2. no its rude and there are politer ways of asking someone to stop talking

  3. i have three children ages 7-10 and yeah constantly telling them to keep it down or to be quiet. continuos arguing and fighting tends to work on the nerves. i never tell them to shut up, i wouldnt want them to say that to anybody else.  

  4. Sadly, I do. I regret it, but I do. We're all human, we make mistakes... and sometimes we really need to just let it out. If someone is seriously bugging you, don't try to hold it in because it could build up over time and "explode."

  5. I don't like to, but sometimes I have the need to let it flow out against several individuals that need to be silenced. Maybe a cuss word might slip as well... But I just save it for those who p**s me off. If I did that to everyone, I'd be a bitter jerk, but normally I'm not.

  6. Yes I do especially if someone is really annoying me.

    If your angry, you have to let it out regardless. It is unhealthy to hold in feelings.  

  7. I always try not to be rude but some people get on my last nerve!  So, I just try to avoid them. If I get too pissed at them I'll end up saying more than shut up and I don't want to have to get that crazy, so ignoring them is best for me. LOL

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