
Do you like waffles or pancakes?

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Do you like waffles or pancakes?




  1. Yes.

  2. Waffles with fresh whipped cream and fresh strawberries and fresh maple syrup.

  3. I haven't had them in a long time but i like chocolate chip waffles and butter milk pancakes.  

  4. both

    with syrup,whipped cream,and a moutain of berries

    on top.ok now im hungry

  5. Pancakes with blueberries or chocolate on the side or other fruit, with just a little bit of maple syrup of it will be too sweet. Or sometimes I use a hazelnut spread on it or some butter is fine.

  6. Pancakes are THE best.

    especially my mom's homemade ones!

  7. yeah waffles first pancakes second

  8. I like both especially with maple syrup. *yum*

  9. chocolate chip waffles

    but i love pancakes too

  10. I personally Like french Toast LOL

  11. pancake... with butter or honey..or pancake alone is fine. sometimes I just don't like the fillings of the waffle.

  12. i think they are both gross ! i do not like the texture of either !! but my kids love both!!

  13. both

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