
Do you like waiting in a traffic jam?

by  |  earlier

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Annoying isn't it..




  1. i strongly HATE waiting in traffic jams., it tires me out makes me figgity ahh i hate em

  2. I don’t mind it to much, I can get a lot done when I have phone calls I have to make but after that it’s just annoying.

  3. I love traffic.

    ...its a good thing knowing that slowly the system is getting clogged up.  Cuz people start to realize things need to change... and if its gotta start with the vehicles and roads then so be it.

  4. Can't honestly say it bothers me that much. I usually plan my journeys to leave me plenty of time. So as long as I have my radio I am a happy. No point in getting stressed out over it.

  5. When riding my bicycle I don't mind them at all.

    If I'm in a mostly empty bus-lane/transit lane, I can just ride to the front of the traffic lights & use the pedestraian crossing to get thru it.

    Or I'll walk my bike on the footpath to bypass the traffic jam..

    In a bus, I'll just play a game on my mobile & enjoy the scenery.

  6. Yes, it's great fun.

    I have a red clown's nose made of foam rubber and I wear it in heavy traffic and in  traffic jams. I get a nice feeling when I catch someone else's eye and they smile or giggle. I know that i have just made someone feel better for a few seconds!

  7. I get in the car to get somewhere as soon as possible. Why the heck would I like waiting in a traffic jam ? Like I didn't have anything better to do or what ?

    Weird question.

  8. I dont think many people do inless u find something funny to do :)

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