
Do you like watching TV or going to a movie better?

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Do you like watching TV or going to a movie better?




  1. it depends whether or not there are any good movies on at the theatres. if not i would rather stay home and watch my favorite shows. if there are good movies i would enjoy going to the movies more.

  2. Definitely watching TV.

    Movie theaters are way too expensive.

  3. nothing beats going to a movie!

  4. Watching TV.

    It's much cheaper

  5. Watching TV because it's more comfortable, less expenensive, and I can eat snacks without paying $4.00 for a bag of candy.  

  6. TV - as long as the program is recorded on my DVR and I can fast forward through all commercials and boring parts.  Movies are too expensive and I hate crowds with a passion.

  7. tv because it has more interesting stuff

  8. movies are more entertaining

  9. Not much good stuff on TV....Not many good movies nowadays either. I'd say rent some older movies and have a good time.

  10. TV because I have alcohol and other drugs at home.

  11. I don't like watching TV because there's NEVER anything GOOD on; except maybe the National Geographic channel, Discovery, or History channel.  And I don't like fighting crowds at movies, so. . .I have a large DVD collection so I don't have to watch commercials, either!

  12. I'd still rarther see a movie in a theater, because I still think McLuen's theories about hot and cold mediums have a lot of merits, and watching a projected film is a hot medium, which is far more engaging, while television is a cold medium. To get the most out of any movie, it should be watched where it can be projected. However, there aren't that many movies I want to pay theater prices to see, so for economic reasons I rent more movies than I go to a theater to see. There's also the issue of working five and sometimes six nights a weeks and not being able to see some movies when they are released to theaters, which makes renting DVDs convenient since I don't have to worry about show times. Still, despite the economic and convenience issues, I would rather see a movie in a theater; thinks don't always work out so I get my druthers.

  13. watching tv.

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