
Do you like watching the sun set?

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i love watching it set, its beautiful and it doesn't hurt your eyes.




  1. i enjoy watching the sunset! it is so beautiful!

  2. That's not really an astronomy question, but I think everyone likes watching a sunset.

  3. Yep. It's a gas.

    For me watching it rise is even better because the world is so quiet before and then the birds start up one by one:)

    And I agree  110% with Suitti. It is indeed Astronomy. EVERYTHING is . All part of the universe, including us.

    So ptttth! to the astro snobs.

  4. Sure.  I especially like it when there's a layer of clouds above the sun so the clouds get lit up all sorts of weird patterns and colors.

  5. Na, not really.

  6. I see spots after seeing a sun set naked eye. They last for an hour or so. It's uncomfortable.  I much prefer using my scope with a full aperture solar filter.  My solar filter is white light - reveals sun spots.  I much prefer using a hydrogen alpha solar scope - which also reveals granules on the surface and solar flares.  Very cool.  One of the guys at the club has an 80mm h-alpha scope.  It's the bee's knees.

    And this IS astronomy.  Looking down at the ground is astronomy.  Geez, Earth hasn't been kicked out the planet club yet.

  7. Yep, I do like watching the sun set, and it indeed doesn't hurt ones eyes.  Do you know the old saying about the "redness" being in the atmosphere?  The saying goes: "Red sky at night, sailor's delight; red sky in morn, sailor's take warn."

    I believe that had/has something to do with a sailor's trip and whether, or not, they watched, closely, the sky and their position on the Earth.

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