
Do you like what limbaugh says, but maybe not the way he says it?

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so far i see that the people who do not like him cannot keep on subject, bet you have never even listened to him...




  1. I don't like what he says and how he portrays himself as being something he isn't. For example, he's indicated that he pulled himself up by the bootstraps but the truth is he comes from a very well-off family of prominent lawyers. He claims to be religious but he doesn't go to church that much. He also claims to be anti-abortion but doesn't have any children even though he has been married and divorced three times. He's every inch the unpopular fat boy who was bullied in school and now he's getting his revenge.

  2. I used to listen to him and agree with him but I had to stop. He is so negative, there is no humor or enjoyment. I got to where I had no hope left and it affected my attitude.   I stick to Glenn Beck now. Alot easier to listen to.  

  3. Actually, it's the other way around. I like Limbaugh's sense of humor -- not many talk show hosts really have one. I just don't like his fact-checking ability.  

  4. Why would anyone believe anything that drug addict says? He is nothing but a hypocrite.

  5. I don't listen to Him. So what he says doesn't mean anything to me- anyway.  :)

  6. Limbaugh said "all drug addicts are weak-minded drains on society".  Then a year later his own drug addiction to pain meds was exposed.  Wow.    

    Gary- I listened to more of his drivel in the 80's and 90's than you could imagine.  I know all about the "dittos", "mega-dittos", the "golden voice behind the golden microphone", etc etc...  Do you know what logical fallacies are?  Research them and then have a listen to Limbaugh...  You'll never see that show the same way again.

  7. People hate to hear the truth.....

    About the drug addiction............He was obviously weak-minded....and has admited  to it. But we know drugs are a physical he was wrong to say addicts are weak-minded.

  8. He's a right-wing bigoted, misinformed buffoon.  Off with his head!

  9. Actually, I do like what he says and I enjoy the humerous way he says it.

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