
Do you like wind chimes?

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Do you like wind chimes?




  1. No-I prefer to appreciate the rustling of the leaves; the sound of the wind, and the singing of the birds. Wind chimes spoil enjoyment of nature(for me) They also scare birds away.

  2. Only when they are not directly outside my bedroom window in someone else's garden so I can't go out & take them down at 3.00 in the morning when it is a bit windy.

  3. Yes, at someone else,s house. They are nice to a point. I would rather have a  nice big brass bell. Sometimes I call an old friend or family member on my cell phone on their birthday and let them hear my bell ringing so they know that "A bell rings for you on a South West  Texas Ranch on your Birthday " Happy Birthday.

  4. i told the mrs. she could have all the foam rubber wind chimes she wanted...

  5. They sound nice in the store but try living next to someone who has them; they can drive you crackers.

  6. yes ive two both have owls clinking when there is a draft blowing one of shells, the other brass.

  7. No I find them annoying

  8. yes they are soothing and relaxing to times

  9. no , sorry they drive me mad.

  10. Of course I do

  11. They are alrite but they do my head in after a while. lol :)


  12. yes

  13. Yes and no. I like them when I'm sitting outside, but at night I want them to be quiet.

  14. no i don' neighbour has one in their tree & it drives me nuts!!

  15. No they are very annoying

  16. No... SO annoying!! haha

  17. No, I think they're well annoying tinkling away non stop

  18. they do sound pretty... but they get really annoying

  19. they say they are calming id rather get the shot gun out and blow the thing up to stop it chiming drives me mad

  20. no hate the things!

  21. no no no


    confused.. can anyone answer mine?

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