
Do you like your classes this semester (for middle, high, or college students)?

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I am a senior this year, but homeschooled (since pre-k3). I have dual-enrolled at the community college since 10th grade. Last summer I was going to finish my high school credits and then just go full time at college but I didn't get it all done, so I have 1/2 a semester of Geometry, 1/2 a semester of American Literature, and 3/4 a semester American History left that I'm teaching myself. Geometry is ok, i like it, but it takes a long time, but Lit and History, blah, hate them. My classes at the college started today and yesterday. My Intro to Humanities is going to be super easy and super boring. I only know one person in the class, but we're not like buddy buddy friends. My Intro to Philosophy class (also super easy and super boring), I knew nobody, but I met 3 people at my table and we all just kinda clicked. Should be interesting (cause I'm the tomboy, Devon, she's a rebel, Stacey is girly girl, and John is Mr. Outgoing). My Intro to Psychology class is going to be very hard. I know nobody. And my favorite of all is going to be College Algebra. I like the teacher, Stacey is with me, and the guy next to me is Mr. Brains. Overall, I like this semester. What about you. What classes are you taking? Do you like the class? Do you like the teacher? Any friends in your class?




  1. yes. i only have like 3 classes with my close friends though so that sucks (the rest moved away) the teachers are okay,  they try to be "cool" and it's funny. im taking:


    modern mythology

    world history

    Latin III



    AP algebra II

    im a sophomore

  2. I love my psychology class! I'm only in 10th grade though. but I bascially like my classes, except geometry honors.. I'm getting switched out because it's too difficult

    good luck!

  3. Err.. cool.

  4. uh well im taking honors classes in middle school or tag or whatever you guys ccall it and high school credit spanish ;] 8th grade btw. i like most of my teachers, and my frineds are only in 2 classes of mine but ive made new friends :D

  5. I'm in 10th grade.

    First: Biology

    Second: Medieval History

    Third: English II Honors

    Fourth: Geometry

    Fifth: P.E.

    Sixth: Newspaper

    Seventh: Spanish III

    I actually really like all of my classes, except for Biology, which sucks because our teacher is pregnant and kinda... um... hormonal. :)

    This is a really great question!

  6. I haven't started school yet, but I had to go in for pictures and to get my schedule. I am going to be a senior in high school. I found my schedule to be very screwed up, and they won't fix it until after school starts.

    1st Hour: No Class

    2nd Hour: Spanish IV

    3rd Hour: Project Physics

    4th Hour: College Reading

    5th Hour: AP Calculus AB

    6th Hour: Aiding

    7th Hour: Study

    The problem lies in the fact that there is no study hall at my school. Meaning I have to sit in the office until they change it. So I have to use this schedule until they can change it.

  7. im cool with all my classes except my second math class

    and one of my best friends is in all my classes including electives(connections) so im pretty happy about that but my second math teacher is a B**** and i dont normally say that but its true...

  8. no i really don't like my classes this semester because i got all the mean teachers and none of my friends are in any of them

    the classes im taking are ok i guess but im really sad that none of my friends are in them with me

    im going to be a freshmen in high school

  9. Um...I don't know yet. We don't get our schedules until Thursday when we start school. I know the classes I'm taking. Science, English, Math, History, PE and AVID my elective. All the rest are core classes. I know I'll like my AVID teacher because I've had him for the last 3 years..Science-6th grade. AVID and Falcon Award-7th grade. AVID, Falcon Award and maybe Science this year(8th grade). He's super funny and nice.  

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