
Do you like your job as a journalist?

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how hard is it to get a job? what is your average pay? is the journalism market still good?




  1. Being a journalist ,I'm very happy in my profession.

    I earn more/less US$ 48000 per year, plus I earn some thing where I freelance.

    It's a very interesting job.

  2. No.  I hate being a slimeball.

  3. 1. I love my job as a journalist, it's the best job in the world. Something different every day. Also, you get to be there when history happens.

    2. It depends on where you live, how hard it is to get a job. New York or Chicago, it's not that difficult, but smaller areas there's more competition.

    3. My average pay is about $60,000, but I've been doing it 17 years, and I switched over to editor at a trade journal. A typical newspaper editor makes about $45,000-$60,000, and a typical reporter makes about $22,000-$35,000 a year.

    4. NO! The market sucks. As the economy goes south, companies try to cut costs, and the first place cut is advertising, which pays for newspapers and TV. Once those ads are cut, people get cut...and guess who gets, not the newspaper/TV ad salespeople, because they actually can show they MAKE money for the publication...pretty hard for a journalist to show they are valuable to an organization...though if a newspaper goes too far (and I've seen a few already go that way), the paper becomes worthless. The last newspaper chain I worked at (which was bought while I was still there by an investment firm) was just profiled as a possible bankruptcy...and it's HUGE, as in hundreds of papers across the country.

    Also, a question you didn't ask, how is journalism changing...Internet, Internet, Internet. Putting up blogs and videos on a newspaper site! Right now, that's the future of a new reporter...though it's my opinion that small, weekly, neighborhood newspapers will always be around, and will stay the same (if they're smart), because if there's one place that Bob's Rib Shack and Doily Barn on Highway 40 IS going to advertise, it's locally.

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