
Do you like your job or just do it for the money?

by Guest32402  |  earlier

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Do you like your job or just do it for the money?




  1. I had a job at Tesco to pay for my bills.  Now that I have some savings I left it and I am looking for something more enjoyable.

    I am happier now.

  2. Photo Tehnician and I absolutely would quit if I didn't have bills! People are so mean/retarded sometimes! I am in college and when I'm finished and get a job I think I will love what I do then.

  3. I am one of those folk who actually love my job. The fact that it pays quite well is a bonus. I enjoy the challenge that I have on a daily basis and love it when everything goes really well. By the way, I work in a retail warehouse office and it's up to me to ensure that there is enough work to keep the pickers going, which can sometimes be a huge challenge.

  4. I have 2 jobs,

    One I dislike but I get incentives such as discounted mortgage, free travel and life insurance, non contributory pension, discounted loans, discounted Holidays etc. I do this job for the financial security it gives me but I'm really not happy there.

    My second job I really love. I do it because I enjoy it so much and the fact that it pays reasonably well is a bonus.  

  5. I used to now it just pays the bills.

  6. A little bit of both!  I don't like the actual work that I do, but I love the company that I work for and I have the best colleagues ever, so that makes it a lot easier.  In fact I doubt that anyone I work with would guess that I don't like my job!

    But it really is the money that's keeping me here.  If I were to find another job it's unlikely that I'd get as much as what I do here.  It pays well considering my level of experience.

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