
Do you like your life or are you just living every day being sad?

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Do you like your life or are you just living every day being sad?




  1. As sad as it sounds, I'd have to to say that 99% of my life is depressing and is nothing more than getting by.  The only exception is Grandchildren!

  2. my life is cool and on a steady uphill climb

  3. Well, I have good days and bad day, but I think that every thing that happens to me teaches me something.  So I guess I like my life.

  4. I did like it until I moved back in with my husband and now I am sad again everyday.

  5. I like my life very much.  I have wife, a house, three great kids, and beautiful scenery.

    i also have bills, cars that break down, lots of work to do to my house to get rid of the drafts and heat.  

    My kids don't always do what i want and the neighbor across the street has a trashy house.

    This is to let you know that my life isn't perfect.  But I'm still happy.  Being sad is a waste of time, and is a mistrusting of God.

  6. here is the same answer i gave to someone earlier

    you come across as though this may be what you are looking answer...

    What is it?

    While most people occasionally feel down, severe depression (sometimes called clinical depression) makes coping with everyday life difficult. It affects your work, relationships and even the more basic aspects of life, such as appetite and sleep. It sometimes makes people feel suicidal.

    Who's affected?

    As many as one person in three will experience an episode of depression at some point in their life - this means it's extremely likely someone close to you will become depressed at some point.

    Depression is a complicated problem, which is often hidden behind physical illness

    Depression is a complicated problem, which is often hidden behind physical illness. This can be confusing because, for example, chronic pain can cause depression and depression can cause chronic pain.

    There are often symptoms of other psychological problems, such as anxiety, panic attacks, obsessions or phobias, which mask the depression.

    What are the symptoms?

    Depression is associated with many symptoms. Common symptoms include:

    Feeling low, sad or miserable

    Persistent tearfulness

    Not enjoying or getting pleasure from life

    Loss of interest in life, even in favourite hobbies or sports

    Sleep disturbance - most typical is waking unusually early and not being able to get back to sleep, or roaming around all night and day unable to sleep at all, or never getting out of bed

    Appetite disturbance - either increased or decreased, including either weight gain or weight loss

    Feeling useless, hopeless or helpless

    Tiredness and fatigue

    Low self-esteem/confidence

    Feeling anxious, agitated or tetchy

    Extreme placidity, which may go as far as physical slowing down

    Poor libido


    Poor concentration, memory and motivation

    Constant physical problems with no return to feeling well despite treatment

    Suicidal thoughts and ideas

    Why do people become depressed?

    Depression is believed to be caused by disturbances in body chemistry. This physical change can be triggered by disease and illness, by traumatic, stressful events such as bereavement, illness and retirement, or by work, relationship and financial problems.

    If you need help now

    Talk to your doctor or find another health professional in the practice that you think you can relate to

    Talk to a friend, work colleague or teacher - don't bottle it up

    Contact the Samaritans or a self-help group (see below)

    There are several different types of depression: simple depression, bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression), seasonal affective disorder and postnatal depression.

    Often depression has no obvious cause. It can affect anyone at any time in their life, even during childhood, although it's more common in mid-life. At any one time, about one in 20 people has clinical depression.

    Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. Although many experts believe equal numbers of men and women are likely to experience depression.

    Genetic factors

    Depression is the result of an interaction of genes and environment (this is called a multifactorial disease). The interaction is complex but some people appear more vulnerable to the effects of stressful life events, perhaps because of their genetic make-up.

    Given the wrong set of life events almost anyone can become depressed (although a few people appear to be strikingly resistant to depression), but depression can run in families. Studies on twins show that genetics play a considerable part in depression. Prenatal screening is not possible for depression.

    Can it be prevented?

    Although it's often not possible to prevent depression, many people find an understanding of their disease and its possible triggers can help to keep their depression at bay. Strengthening emotional wellbeing can help. This is done by:

    Getting enough rest and learning how to relax

    Using therapies such as yoga and massage

    Exercising regularly

    Avoiding too much alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs

    Eating a balanced healthy diet

    Talking about feelings, problems and concerns with a trusted friend

    In the majority of cases, depression can be successfully treated. Counselling is used to treat mild depression and is often combined with antidepressant medication when the depression is more severe.

    In mild cases, some people use the herb St John's wort, but talk to your doctor if you are taking other medication, because it can make some other medicines less effective.

    Exercise is now recommended as an effective way of helping people to overcome depression

    Despite this, the World Health Organisation estimates that by 2020, major depression will be the second biggest cause of death and disability in the world. One of the main problems is that as many as 50 per cent of people stop taking their treatment within six weeks, which is too early to prevent relapse.

    Helping someone who's depressed?

    People who are depressed can find it very hard to admit they have a problem and ask for help. Be aware of any changes in your friends and family that you think may point to depression.

    If you're worried about someone, give them plenty of appropriate opportunities to talk. It can be difficult to start, but try questions such as 'have you got anything on your mind?' or 'is there something bothering you at the moment?' Let them pick the moment when they want to open up.

    Invite those who seem isolated to join in social events, and keep inviting even if they keep refusing, which they may well do - people who are depressed often don't feel like socialising, or feel their contribution won't be of value.

    Try to understand and accept what they say or even how they act, and help them explore possible ways to sort out their problems. Be as supportive as you can, learn about the condition, and don't expect them to snap back to their old self overnight.

    Don't be afraid to talk about suicide, or ask if they've thought about it. Despite what most people believe, focusing on suicide isn't likely to encourage someone to do it.

    Encourage them to talk to someone in their family - a surprising number of suicides (especially among young men) come as a complete surprise to families, who had little idea what their loved one was going through and then spend the rest of their lives regretting they'd not had a chance to help the person.

    Encourage depressed people to seek professional help, or at least to unburden themselves to an anonymous telephone helpline. Keep pointing out that depression can be treated.

    Advice and support

    Depression Alliance

    Tel: 0845 123 2320


    Fellowship of Depressives Anonymous

    Tel: 0870 774 4320


  7. i LOVE life! sure, some times it could be a bit difficult, but most of the time, i love it. why? don't you? is there any particular reason? ask your self the question first..

  8. Right now I'm really sad, but I always go through stages. I'm sure I'll be happy with it in a few months, but for right now it sucks.

  9. i'm just hangin out waitin for the good life to come when i die

  10. I love my life, I'm happy, but I could be alot more happy, if I had a million dollars, and could but anything I wanted, and not worry about the next pay day.

  11. everybody has their ups and downs about life

    and that goes for me too.

    pretty much, yea, im enjoying my life right now, few blah parts here and there, but other than that, i try my best to have fun and enjoy life

  12. I like my life. Even when I am sad I love life. The beauty of nature makes life worth living, even if it is only the pattern of grass growing between cement slabs.

  13. I love my life but I am a bit sad and alone because the love of my life is not with me right now. He is in Iraq and I miss him so much and I am Praying for his safe return home...GOD BLESS

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